ATTENTION Christians Who Want A More Intimate Relationship With Father

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Challenge Starts Sept 11, 2024 at 8 PM EDT


Learn to Walk in...

Learn to Walk in...

  • A Closer Relationship with the Father
  • The Intimacy That Being in Christ Provides
  • God's Love and Presence
  • ​Father's Plan for Transforming Your Life
  • A Closer Relationship with the Father
  • The Intimacy That Being in Christ Provides
  • God's Love and Presence
  • ​Father's Plan for Transforming Your Life

Thus, the LORD spoke to Moses face to face,
as a man speaks to his friend..." Ex 33:11

Your Host and Teacher

Rick Osborne

God has called him to help Christians of all ages walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for and be transformed into His image. The books Rick has authored and coauthored have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. He's co-authored books with Dr. John Trent (Focus on The Family's Guide To The Spiritual Growth of Children), Dr. Gary Chapman (The 5 Love Languages for Kids),  Dr. Tom Blackaby (The Experiencing God Family Devotional) as well as books with the Larry Burkett and Josh McDowell.  Two of his latest books, "At Work Within" and  "Love's Transformation," have been consistently transforming the lives of his readers

Rick has worked with or been published by the largest and most reputable Christian publishers in the industry, such as:
Moody Publisher, Zondervan Bible Publishing, Tyndale House Publishing, HarperCollins Christian Publishing, Campus Crusade for Christ, the 700 Club,  and Lightwave Publishing.

He co-wrote and led the team that produced "The Most Important Story," which has had over 100 million copies distributed worldwide in over 120 different languages and dialects. This book order was distributed by many ministries, including Franklin Graham's Operation Christmas Child.

Your Host and Teacher

Rick Osborne

God has called him to help Christians of all ages walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for and be transformed into His image. The books Rick has authored and coauthored have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. He's co-authored books with Dr. John Trent (Focus on The Family's Guide To The Spiritual Growth of Children), Dr. Gary Chapman (The 5 Love Languages for Kids),  and Dr. Tom Blackaby (The Experiencing God Family Devotional). Two of his latest books, "At Work Within" and  "Love's Transformation" have been consistently transforming the lives of his

Rick Osborne

God has called him to help Christians of all ages walk in the fullness of what Jesus paid for and be transformed into His image. Rick's books have sold over 10 million copies worldwide. He's co-authored books with Dr. John Trent (Focus on The Family's Guide To The Spiritual Growth of Children), Dr. Gary Chapman (The 5 Love Languages for Kids), and Dr. Tom Blackaby (The Experiencing God Family Devotional). Two of his latest books, "At Work Within" and "Love's Transformation" have been consistently transforming the lives of his

He co-wrote and led the team that produced "The Most Important Story." which has had over a hundred million copies distributed worldwide in over 120 different languages and dialects.

Join The FREE Ex 33:11 
Face-to-Face with God Global Online Challenge 

Regular Course Value: $597

Starting In...

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
  • Live Training from Rick Osborne, Best-Selling Author
  • Live, Online Global Special Event
  • Rick's 4-Day, Knowing God Masterclass
  • 4 Days Packed With Solid Biblical Teaching
  • Learn What the Bible Really Says about Having an Intimate Relationship With Father
  • Learn the Secrets of Knowing God and His Heart for You, so that You Hear Him Clearly in Every Part of Your Life
  • Get Practical and Scriptural Steps to Truly Experiencing Jesus Daily
  • Take Your Prayer Time and Results to the Next Level
  • Learn How To Know and Experience God's Intimate Love for You and Just How it Will Impact Those Around You.
  • Hear and Read The ULTIMATE PROPHECY Spoken over Your Life
  • Live Training from Rick Osborne, Best-Selling Author
  • Live, Online Global Special Event
  • Rick's 4-Day, Knowing God Masterclass
  • 4 Days Packed With Solid Biblical Teaching
  • Learn What the Bible Really Says about Having an Intimate Relationship With Father
  • Learn the Secrets of Knowing God and His Heart for You, so that You Hear Him Clearly in Every Part of Your Life
  • Get Practical and Scriptural Steps to Truly Experiencing Jesus Daily
  • Take Your Prayer Time and Results to the Next Level
  • Learn How To Know and Experience God's Intimate Love for You and Just How it Will Impact Those Around You.
  • Hear and Read The ULTIMATE PROPHECY Spoken over Your Life

It Took Rick 10 Years...

Rick Osborne's number one desire in life was to Know God! For Decades he was consistent in prayer and Bible Study; and all the while cried out to know and experience God more. He followed every recipe he could find for how to know, hear and be intimate with God. He saw gradual results and had many great experiences, but he never felt like he really entered into knowing God in fullness.  

Then Jesus spoke to him and promised to personally teach Him from the Bible, what he so desired to know. What Jesus taught Rick from the Word blew his mind; and in the year following that visitation Rick applied what he learned, and his relationship and intimacy with God skyrocketed! 

The Lord told Rick that the Father wants this kind of face-to-face, intimate relationship with ALL of His kids; and now Rick has been tasked with teaching you what Jesus taught him. 

It Will Take You 4 Days...

What you'll learn in this Free 4-Day Face-To-Face with God Challenge is what the Bible really says about God's desire for intimacy with you; what it says about knowing Him, hearing Him and consistently experiencing His love and presence. You'll also learn how to practically grow in this intimacy with God, and see greater results for your prayers.

Did you know that the amazing relationships the Father had with Abraham, Moses, and David were just a foreshadowing of the relationship He wants with you in His Son Christ Jesus?

The Challenge...

Rick will be giving you the entire Knowing God Masterclass - over 6 hours of live teaching - in this FREE 4-Day Face-To-Face with God Challenge. 

He'll also be challenging you with Live Activations, Prayer Exercises, and Homework. 

Join us to Experience God and His Presence, and be Transformed!  

You Will Also Learn...

  • What The Bible Teaches About The Amazing Face-To-Face Relationship God Wants To Have With You; and how Jesus Helps You Walk in it!
  • The Simple and Practical Daily How-To's You Need To Walk in That Relationship.
  • How To Know God and Experience His Love and Presence Daily.
  • How to See More Powerful and Effective Results to Your Prayers.
  • What The Bible Teaches About The Amazing Face-To-Face Relationship God Wants To Have With You; and how Jesus Helps You Walk in!
  • The Simple and Practical Daily How-To's You Need To Walk in That Relationship.
  • How To Know God and Experience His Love and Presence Daily.
  • ​How to See More Powerful and Effective Results to Your Prayers.

Time Sensitive: Do not miss this incredibly unique 4-day live and highly-interactive learning experience where you will get personally Taught and Activated by Rick Osborne.

This Global, LIVE, Online, Special Event starts Wednesday, Sept 11th at 8 PM Eastern.

Sept 11

8:00 PM EDT (New York Time)

Sept 12

8:00 PM EDT (New York Time)

Sept 13

8:00 PM EDT (New York Time)

Sept 14

2:00 PM EDT (New York Time)

(includes QandA)

8:00 PM (New York)

8:00 PM (New York)

8:00 PM (New York)

2:00 PM (New York)

(with Q and A)


You Won't Miss a Minute!

It's BETTER LIVE, but if you can't make it...
All Sessions will be recorded
and made available for a limited time for those who register.

What Christians and Christian Leaders Are Saying...

Rick Osborne’s teachings are life-changing (no hyperbole in the least).  

My wife and I were blown away by how he made the revelations God gave him so simple, easy, and clear to understand. The Truths my wife thought she knew were taken to a new level of understanding and clarity. The revelation I received led me to new levels of freedom! 

Rick’s teachings revealed on a heart level my true identity as a Son of the Most High King in the context of the New Covenant. I now know, with greater certainty, that Jesus is my Teacher. I hear Him more clearly and move more confidently with Him in everything 

Rick has an Amazing Grace Gift for understanding and teaching God’s Word. We recommend Rick Osborne to everyone.

Jon Umsted 
Business Owner

Rick passionately unpacks deep theological insights from God’s Word in fresh and practical ways that cause new believers and seasoned saints to sit with rapt attention, endeavoring to soak up all he shares. Sometimes, it is like trying to drink out of a firehose! However, nothing is more exciting than witnessing those who have followed Jesus for decades suddenly experience “aha moments” when certain verses they have heard and read for years are illuminated and connected, allowing the beauty of God’s heart to be grasped.  

Anointed teaching like this is the priceless and precious overflow of countless hours, months, and years spent soaking in God’s Word and Holy Presence. It is the gift of a transformed life and heart that follows hard after the Lord. Don’t forget your rain gear, you will need it. 

Pastor Cyndi Pelletier

The Lord used Rick Osborne's Transformational Teaching

to cause the most important and fundamental shift in my faith  and walk with God since my initial conversion experience.

My prayer life has completely changed. My walk and relationship with the Father has completely changed. And my outlook on every day of my life has completely changed in the way he meant for us to be changed.
It is radical and exciting and has brought me back to a place of walking closely with the Father every day and being used by him in exciting ways. The materials are simply set out. But the Biblical ideas and concepts behind them are huge. I have gone through them many times, and every time, God takes me to a new level of understanding of his Word, His heart, and who He really is.

Ryan Johnson, Lawyer

Praise For Rick Osborne's Book At Work Within 

We may be the most informed but least transformed generation of Christians history has seen. We struggle to love and serve Jesus Christ while disconnected from full communion with Him. We know about Him but scarcely know Him. Rick helps us connect our branches securely to the Vine so that the transformative power of Jesus Christ can flow dynamically into our lives.

Michael Q. Pink Author, and Christian Business Coach 

At Work Within is a thoughtfully-written volume that contains the content, depth, and weight of writers in the tradition of Peterson and Guinness, yet with the readability that makes it accessible to a wider audience. This is an account of the Good News of God at work in our lives that will leave you in awe of God's grace.

Todd Martin, Ph.D.
Sociologist, Author and former Pastor

Rick hits both the heart and the head as he presents a mixture of basic and profound material that every Christian needs to know and implement in their lives. Thanks, Rick. Once again, I've learned and grown from what you've shared!

Dr. Tom Blackaby
Lead Pastor- Brookswood Baptist Church in Langley, BC,
Author, Speaker

Rick Unfolds Deep Revelations About the Gospel

As I read Rick's book, I couldn't put it down. My spirit rejoiced as I read the real Gospel truths that have brought such deep transformation to my own life. With clarity and simplicity, Rick unfolds deep revelations about the Gospel in a practical, down-to-earth way. So many times, I thought, This guy really gets it! And so many times I wished every Christian I knew would read this book. 

Art Thomas
Founder, Art Thomas Ministries

00 Years 00 Months 00 Weeks 00 Days 00 Hours 00 Minutes 00 Seconds
The Transformation Commission - All Rights Reserved